Report on the Erasmus+ project „The Art of Food – TAFF“ 2022-2023


The Erasmus+ project „The Art of Food – TAFF“ was severely affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic and had to make adjustments in its implementation. The first workshop took place virtually, as already described in the interim report. In this workshop, the schools presented their national dishes and recipes. Due to lack of time and the impossibility of coordinating several exchange weeks, the requested workshops were combined in consultation with the main supervising National Agency OEAD and the mobilities were applied accordingly.

Accordingly, the second and parts of the third workshops took place in parallel in Romania, Finland and Austria in October 2022. The overarching topics were sustainable food, taste and sustainable production, on which separate workshops were held The participants visited sustainable chocolate producers in Austria and undertook several excursions and excursions such as: To the taste laboratory of the technical university in Graz. They discussed the food pyramid both today and in the future.

The counter-meeting took place in November 2023 in Finland, Spain and Austria. Parts of the third and fourth workshops were combined. The theme was „Food of the Future“ with a focus on sustainable packaging. In addition to the various information workshops, the participants created creative tasks, including a packaging beeswax Wrapp for fresh products and bread using screen printing technology.

They also visited a packaging production factory and sustainable production facilities.

In consultation with the National Agency OEAD, it was decided to use the remaining funds for a exchange-visit of Spain, Romania and Austria to the European capital Brussels in May- Finland could not attend as the last days of school were approaching.

Meetings were organised with the President of the European Parliament, Eveline Regner, and the Commission’s staff member, Christian Kiefer.

Here the students had the opportunity to formulate questions about sustainability, food management, new food and working in the EU government. They also visited the Parlamentarium, the EU Parliament (plenary), the Atomium and the Comic Museum. As part of the project and trip, two topic-related workshops were also conducted by the students. The first workshop dealt with the challenge „How sustainable is Brussels? (food in shops)“ and the second workshop dealt with the question of how sustainable the population is. For this interviews were conducted and information was collected.

The Erasmus+ project „The Art of Food – TAFF“ offered participants a unique opportunity to engage with different aspects of sustainable food and production. The virtual and face-to-face workshops facilitated the exchange of ideas and perspectives between the countries. Participants developed their knowledge of sustainable nutrition and packaging and gained new skills in creative expressions such as screen printing. They were also given the opportunity to meet policy makers and ask their questions about sustainability and EU work.

The project „The Art of Food – TAFF“ thus helped to raise awareness of sustainable nutrition and packaging and to turn the participants into ambassadors for these topics. By participating in workshops, visits to sustainable producers and political meetings, the young people gained a holistic insight into the challenges and opportunities associated with sustainable food. A padlet was set up for the entire duration of the project, where the participants could present themselves, their thoughts and also their results. It was also used for reflection and evaluation. Consequently, the project was and is being presented to the public. Schools and participants had the opportunity to share their experiences and insights in their schools and communities. In addition, a project padlet was created on which information about the project, the activities and the results were published. The social media channels (Youtube) were used to inform the public about the project and to raise awareness of sustainable nutrition and packaging. Overall, the Erasmus+ project „The Art of Food – TAFF“ was an enriching experience for the participants. They expanded their knowledge of sustainable nutrition and packaging, developed new skills and were able to broaden their perspectives by interacting with other young people from different countries. The project helped raise awareness of sustainable practices related to food and packaging and encourage youth to initiate change in their communities and beyond.

Das Projekt „Ernährung nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion Verpackung und Lebensmittelmanagement“ hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, verschiedene Aspekte der Ernährung und Lebensmittelproduktion im europäischen Kontext zu erforschen und nachhaltige Lösungen zu entwickeln. In diesem Bericht werden die Kombinationen und Verknüpfungen der Prioritäten des Projekts beleuchtet, insbesondere in Bezug auf den länderübergreifenden Austausch zu Ernährungsgewohnheiten, nachhaltigem Lebensmittelmanagement und kulturellem Austausch zur Stärkung des Europäischen Gedankens.

Länderübergreifender Austausch zu Ernährungsgewohnheiten: Eine der zentralen Prioritäten des Projekts ist der länderübergreifende Austausch zu Ernährungsgewohnheiten. Hierbei haben die teilnehmenden Länder die Möglichkeit, ihre verschiedenen kulturellen und regionalen Ernährungstraditionen vorzustellen und voneinander zu lernen. Dies fördert nicht nur das Verständnis für die Vielfalt der europäischen Ernährung, sondern ermöglicht auch die Identifizierung von gesunden und nachhaltigen Ernährungsmustern, die in verschiedenen Regionen praktiziert werden.

Aktuelle Zugänge zu nachhaltigem und verantwortungsbewusstem Umgang mit Lebensmitteln: Die zweite Priorität des Projekts konzentriert sich auf nachhaltigen und verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit Lebensmitteln. Durch den länderübergreifenden Austausch können bewährte Praktiken und innovative Ansätze aus verschiedenen Ländern gesammelt werden. Dies ermöglicht es, aktuelle Trends und Strategien zur Reduzierung von Lebensmittelverschwendung, zur Förderung von ökologisch verträglichen Anbaumethoden und zur Verbesserung der Lebensmittelqualität zu identifizieren und zu verbreiten.

Kultureller Austausch und Internationalität: Ein wesentlicher Aspekt des Projekts ist der kulturelle Austausch und die Förderung der Internationalität. Die Teilnehmer haben die Möglichkeit, nicht nur Informationen über Ernährung und Lebensmittelproduktion auszutauschen, sondern auch kulturelle Aspekte miteinander zu teilen. Dies stärkt das Verständnis füreinander und fördert den europäischen Gedanken. Darüber hinaus können durch diese interkulturellen Kontakte neue Perspektiven und Ideen für nachhaltige Ernährung und Lebensmittelproduktion entstehen.

Stärkung des Europäischen Gedankens: Die Kombination der oben genannten Prioritäten trägt zur Stärkung des Europäischen Gedankens bei. Indem verschiedene Länder gemeinsam an Lösungen für die Herausforderungen im Bereich Ernährung und Lebensmittelproduktion arbeiten, wird die Zusammenarbeit und Solidarität in Europa gefördert. Dies kann dazu beitragen, gemeinsame Ziele in Bezug auf nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion, Verpackung und Lebensmittelmanagement zu entwickeln und zu verfolgen.

Fazit: Die Verknüpfung der Prioritäten im Rahmen des Projekts „Ernährung nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion Verpackung und Lebensmittelmanagement“ führt zu einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz, um die Ernährungssysteme in Europa zu verbessern. Der länderübergreifende Austausch zu Ernährungsgewohnheiten, nachhaltigem Lebensmittelmanagement und kulturellem Austausch trägt zur Stärkung des Europäischen Gedankens bei und ermöglicht es den teilnehmenden Ländern, voneinander zu lernen und nachhaltige Lösungen zu entwickeln. Dieses Projekt zeigt, wie vielfältige Perspektiven und Erfahrungen zusammengeführt werden können, um gemeinsame Ziele im Bereich Ernährung und Lebensmittelproduktion zu erreichen.

The project „The Art of Food – TAFF“ aims to explore various aspects of nutrition and food production in the European context and to develop sustainable solutions. This report highlights the combinations and linkages of the project’s priorities, in particular with regard to transnational exchanges on dietary habits, sustainable food management and cultural exchanges to strengthen the European idea. Cross-border exchange on dietary habits: One of the central priorities of the project is cross-border exchange on dietary habits. The participating countries have the opportunity to present their different cultural and regional food traditions and to learn from each other. This not only promotes an understanding of the diversity of European diets, but also enables the identification of healthy and sustainable dietary patterns practiced in different regions. Up-to-date approaches to sustainable and responsible use of food: The second priority of the project focuses on sustainable and responsible use of food. Through cross-border exchanges, best practices and innovative approaches from different countries can be collected. This makes it possible to identify and disseminate current trends and strategies to reduce food waste, promote environmentally sound farming practices and improve food quality. Cultural exchange and internationality: An essential aspect of the project is cultural exchange and the promotion of internationality. Participants will have the opportunity not only to exchange information about nutrition and food production, but also to share cultural aspects with each other. This strengthens mutual understanding and promotes the European idea. In addition, these intercultural contacts can give rise to new perspectives and ideas for sustainable nutrition and food production. Strengthening the European idea: The combination of the above priorities contributes to the strengthening of the European idea. By bringing different countries together to find solutions to the challenges of nutrition and food production, cooperation and solidarity in Europe will be promoted. This can help to develop and pursue common goals related to sustainable food production, packaging and food management..

Conclusion: Linking the priorities of the project „Nutrition, Sustainable Food Production, Packaging and Food Management“ leads to a holistic approach to improve food systems in Europe. The transnational exchange on dietary habits, sustainable food management and cultural exchange contributes to the strengthening of the European idea and enables the participating countries to learn from each other and develop sustainable solutions. This project shows how diverse perspectives and experiences can be brought together to achieve common goals in the field of nutrition and food production.

The Art of food>> – Padlet-Seite

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